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SALGA submits documents, avoids deregistration

RUSTENBURG, July (ANA)- The South African Local Government Association (Salga) has submitted outstanding required documents to avoid deregistration, the department of labour said on Monday.

The department issued a notice of intention to cancel Salga’s registration in the government gazette on June 15 after the local government body failed to submit outstanding documents such as audited financial statements, names of office bearers, a business address and membership figures.

"In terms of section 106 (2A) of the Act, the office of the Registrar may cancel the registration of an employers’ organisation by removing its name from the appropriate register if the organisation is not, or has ceased to function as a genuine organisation or has failed to comply with section 98, 99 and 100 of the Act," spokesperson Teboho Thejane said.

The law says a registered employers’ organisation must keep books and records of its income, assets and liabilities and must prepare financial statements within six months after the end of each financial year.

It must also arrange for an annual audit which must comply with generally accepted auditing standards and the auditor must report in writing to the organisation whether the organisation has complied with its constitution in relation to financial matters.

The labour department said Salga had finally submitted financial statements from 2012 up to 2017, the names and business address of office bearers for the years 2011 to 2018 and membership figures per sector for the years 2012 to 2017 on June 16, apologising for the delay.

The association also said it had put measures in place to prevent the recurrence of delays in transmitting information.

- African News Agency (ANA)