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Sacci welcomes action on matric pass mark

The SA Chamber of Commerce and Industry has welcomed the ministerial task team's recommendations on the current matric pass mark, and urged the basic education department to implement them promptly.

Sacci said in a statement that the report mirrors the general sentiment regularly voiced by business, regardless of sector or size, that there are widespread concerns about the standard and quality of the matric exam.

Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga had tasked a team of experts to examine media reports and research, which criticised the national senior certificate pass requirements.

The team submitted a 188-page report to Motshekga, which, among other things, recommended that the department consider making mathematics a compulsory subject.

Education Department spokesperson, Elijah Mahlangu, says the report is receiving urgent attention, but it will be a time consuming process to implement the type of changes recommended.