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Sabric launches crime awareness campaign

 The South African Banking Risk Information Centre says there's been a 53% increase in robberies of people carrying large sums of cash in the Eastern Cape.

Sabric, in partnership with the police and Business Against Crime, launched an awareness campaign in four provinces on Tuesday to urge business people and members of the public in general to consider alternative options.

Sabric senior information manager, Dr Alice Maree, says approximately 75% of the cases reported between January and August in the Eastern Cape occurred after people withdrew large sums of cash from their bank.

She's urged members of the public to be alert.

"Since it started off we have seen an increase that is why we launched this campaign but we saw a decrease in the Gauteng province of 38% due to the joint efforts, people working together like the police, Sabric the banking industry, business against crime, consumer goods council and the media to get the message across to the general public" Maree said.

Meanwhile, Eastern Cape provincial police spokesperson, brigadier Marinda Mills, says the situation can be turned around through partnerships with role-players like Sabric and business against crime.

She also offered the following advice.

1. Seriously consider the convenience of electronic means of banking such as internet, cell phone or ATM transfers instead of cash withdrawals
2. Ask your bank for advice on your banking options, including the best times for doing certain types of transactions
3. Be alert of your surroundings when you are en route to deposit cash at the bank or after withdrawing cash. If you suspect that you are being followed, inform the police immediately or drive to a nearest police station
4. Seek the company of someone you trust in the event of you carrying large sums of cash to deposit at the bank or if you intend to make a large cash withdrawal
5. Only withdraw the amount of cash that you need
6. Be aware of routine activities when doing your banking. For example, avoid visiting the same bank branch at the same time and day to make cash deposits or withdrawals. Banking routine should vary regularly.