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SA football boss granted bail in fraud and theft case


South Africa Football boss, Danny Jordaan, was granted bail in the Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes Court, where he faces charges of fraud and theft of R1.3 million from the SA Football Association.

He appeared in court on Wednesday alongside co-accused, Gronie Hluyo, SAFA's chief financial officer, and businessman Trevor Neethling.

They were granted bail, with conditions, in the amount of R20 000 each, after their statements in support of their applications were read out to the court.

The state did not oppose their applications.

Earlier, the Hawks said the allegations are that Jordaan, as SAFA president, had used the organisation's resources for his personal gain.

This included hiring a private security company for his personal protection, and a PR company without authorisation from the SAFA Board.

“The president is also reported to have violated SAFA statutes thus prejudicing  SAFA an actual loss of R1.3 million,” said Hawks spokesperson, Colonel Katlego Mogale.

Jordaan, 73, did not surrender to authorities and was arrested at his home in Johannesburg.

He told the court in an affidavit that he intends to plead not guilty, adding that he believes the case was “an abuse of process”.

Some of the bail conditions imposed included that the trio should not interfere with state witnesses, that Neethling and Hluyo to surrender their passports to the investigating officer while Jordaan was allowed to keep his passport.

Other conditions are that Jordaan must report to the court before undertaking any overseas travel and this will be revised should his position at SAFA change, while Neethling and Hluyo are required to make an application to court to travel outside the country.

The case was postponed to 5 December for "docket disclosures".