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SA boys return home after being found living on streets of Brazil

 Two South African boys who had been living on the streets in Brazil after their mother was arrested for drug trafficking arrived
back in the country on Thursday.

Lumka Oliphant of the social development department says they last saw their mother in December after she was arrested for trafficking drugs
between Brazil and Portugal..

Brazilian authorities found the boys, aged seven and 13, living on the streets of Sao Paolo and referred them to the South African
embassy in that country.

Oliphant said the children would be placed in the care of foster parents in KZN who had been nominated by the mother.

An assessment would be done before the boys were placed with them.

"We put them in a hotel just now and depending on how tired they are we will decide when to send them to the foster parents."

Oliphant said a court process had to be undertaken for the placement to become legal.