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Rhino horn found OR Tambo International

JOHANNESBURG, December 23 (ANA) – Customs officials at the OR Tambo International Airport stopped the export of two rhino horns after the owners of a shipment could not provide an export permit, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) said in a statement on Wednesday.

The horns, weighing 10.5 kilograms and worth an estimated R3 million were seized on Tuesday.

“Customs officials found the horn in a shipment of taxidermy that had been profiled for examination at a well-known cargo forwarding company,” SARS spokesman Sandile Memela said.

“The company was unable to provide the required export documentation upon request. The forwarding company subsequently contacted and requested the required export documentation from the owner of the shipment, but no response was received within 24 hours.”

Memela said without the documents officials could not establish where the horns were destined.

“In terms of procedure, the horns were handed over to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) for further investigation.”

Rhinos are protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites).

South Africa has over the past few years experienced a significant increase in the number of rhino being poached for their horns. – African News Agency