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Release of "jobs for cash" report postponed for two weeks

The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, has postponed the release of the report into a jobs for cash scam for two weeks.

According to a Department statement this follows consultations with the teacher unions and various stakeholders in Pretoria this week.
Motshekga was expected to release the final report of the investigation on Friday.

A Ministerial Task Team under, Professor John Volmik, has been investigating allegations that members teacher union, Sadtu, were involved in the sale of teacher and principal posts in the Eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal.

Motshekga met with the National Teachers Union (NATU), the National Professional Teachers Association( NAPTOSA) and the South African Democratic Teachers Union( SADTU) on Tuesday.
On Wednesday the engagements continued with the Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwys Unie (SAOU) and the Professional Educators Union (PEU).

A meeting with all school Governing Body Associations was also held on Wednesday afternoon.

Education Department spokesperson, Troy Martens, said the the delay was to allow stakeholders more time to refine their inputs and responses to the report by the Ministerial Task Team.

"The delay emanates from meetings that were held with stakeholders this week where it became clear that we need to ensure to that all processes are followed and that all stakeholders have their input adequately considered by the Ministerial Task Team. So coming out of these meetings the minister and Ministerial Task Team have allowed all stakeholders to make representations and given them that time to do so" she said.

Martens said the ministerial task team will consider all the stakeholders responses and inputs before a final report is published.

"The consultation with the various stakeholders this week has highlighted the importance to ensure that all processes are fair, just and followed to the letter.  The processes in this regard is as important as the outcome itself and cannot be compromised" she added.