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R4.8m bank scam - two arrested

JOHANNESBURG, April 11 (ANA) – Two men briefly appeared in the Johannesburg Specialised Commercial Crimes Court in connection with a R4.8 million bank scam, the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (the Hawks) said on Tuesday.

Hawks spokesperson Captain Ndivhuwo Mulamu said Ashly Chetty, 27, and Asheer Jaggerssar, 31, appeared in court on Monday following their arrest on Friday.

“They allegedly defrauded and withdrew R99 from unsuspecting bank clients’ accounts between 2014 and 2016 using a company Riskfin and Carebox which is not registered with Companies Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC),” Mulamu said.

Chetty and Jaggerssar, who are facing charges of fraud, theft, and contravention of financial intelligence service act and were granted bail of R1000 each.

The case was postponed to June 20, for further investigation.

– African News Agency (ANA)