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Public warned against selling fireworks illegally

Police have warned that only wholesale and retail dealers who are licenced in terms of the Explosives Act and are in possession of a valid licence may sell fireworks.

There's a huge demand for fireworks at the moment as the count down begins to New Year's eve on Thursday and the traditional letting off of fireworks to usher in the new year. 

Captain Paul Ramaloko warns that no fireworks may be sold by a street hawker or vendor at a flea market, from the boot of a vehicle or trailer or from a spaza shop.

Any person breaching the regulations of the Explosives Act is liable to a 600 rand fine or up to 12 months in jail. 

Ramaloko said the use of fireworks is an area of concern, especially at this time of the year and that various municipalities have by-laws restricting and guiding the use of fireworks.