CAPE TOWN, October 30 (ANA) – Organisers of Monday’s huge convoy from Stellenbosch to Cape Town said the protest was not just about farm murders but was for all people who are murdered in the country each year.
Deputy convener of the protest Daniel Briers said: “We saying enough is enough and we are not so much standing against something but we are standing for the normal person.”
Briers said that Joubert Conradie was a normal man. “He was a father, a husband to his wife, an employer who had a great relationship with his people and then he was a farmer.”
Conradie was shot dead on his farm in Klapmuts, near Stellenbosch, last week, sparking the idea for the protest which saw several similar gatherings around the country on Monday.
An emotional Briers said the organisers were not going to petition government as they already knew what was happening in the country but were “not doing anything”.
“The good in this world is amazing and you could see that even driving through the township saying we support you. We need to take South Africa back and we are saying enough is enough because it’s not ending here, this is the start,” said Brier as he addressed a crowd of several thousand people in the Cape Town stadium precinct on Monday afternoon. .
Earlier, a convoy of hundreds of vehicles, mainly bakkies and SUVs, but also motorbikes and even tractors, made their way from Klapmuts as part of the #BlackMonday protests from Kanonkop in Stellenbosch. The large convoy proceeded on the R44 and the R101, from where it travelled along the key transport corridor of Voortrekker Road into the city centre.
Vehicles hooted as they arrived, dropping protesters clad in black. The protesters carried placards saying “Stop farm murders” and “Stand up against farm murders”, while many said “criminals today have more rights than those that are being victimised”. Many also carried little crosses to symbolise what they said were the continued murders committed against the country’s farming community.
By lunchtime the parking area around Cape Town stadium had filled with protesters while a heavy contingent of police, traffic authorities and emergency services were on standby on a day when the temperature in the city was set to reach around 35 degrees Celsius.
Organisers were initially expecting a convoy of around 500 vehicles and 2,000 people at the main protest in Cape Town although authorities said close to 10,000 had gathered at the starting point in Klapmuts. There were other smaller protests around the country, most notably in the capital Pretoria, at the Voortrekker monument.
– African News Agency (ANA)