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President Zuma to appeal High Court Judgment on Shaun Abrahams

The Presidency notes the judgement handed down today by the North Gauteng High Court in the application launched by two NGOs against the President of the Republic of South Africa, seeking the removal of the current National Director of Public Prosecutions, together with ancillary relief.

Whilst the President awaits a full briefing on the judgement, he has been advised that an early assessment displays, with respect, various grounds upon which a successful appeal may be prosecuted.

The National Prosecuting Authority is an important institution in our constitutional democracy, appointments in respect of which are not made lightly.

Together with judges, who likewise are appointed by the President, the National Director of Public Prosecutions plays a vital role in the criminal justice system. Minded by the principle of the separation of powers, constitutional legality and the rule of law, the judgement will be appealed.

Out of deference to the court and the judicial system, these grounds will be properly ventilated in the normal course of court proceedings.