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President Zuma approves annual salary adjustments for Public Office Bearers

Salaries and allowances of different categories of Public Office-Bearers are determined by the President, after taking into account, amongst others, the recommendations of the Independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office-Bearers (the Commission).

On 27 October 2017, the Commission published its annual remuneration recommendations in which it recommended that the salaries of different categories of Public Office-Bearers be increased as follows:

4 % adjustment

. Members of the National Executive and Deputy Ministers

. Members of Parliament: From the position of the Speaker / the Chairperson of NCOP to House Chairperson

. Members of Provincial Executive and the Speaker of the Provincial Legislature

. All Judges

4.5 % adjustments

. Members of National Parliament: From position of the Chief Whip: Majority Party to Member: National Assembly/Permanent Delegate: NCOP

. Members of Provincial Legislature: From position of Deputy Speaker to Member of Provincial Legislature

. Traditional Leadership: King/Queen

5 % adjustment

. Traditional Leadership: From the position of Chairperson: National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) to full-time Deputy Chairperson: Provincial House of Traditional Leader (PHTL).

6% adjustment

. All Magistrates

. Traditional Leadership: Full-time member of NHTL and full-time member of PHTL and sitting allowances of all members of the NHTL and PHTL.

8% adjustment

. Senior Traditional Leaders

The Commission further recommended for the adjustment of the remuneration of the Headmen and Headwomen to R106 106 and the extension of the medical aid benefits currently applicable to Traditional Leaders with effect from 01 April 2017.

After considering, amongst others, the recommendations of the Commission and the performance of the economy, President Jacob Zuma has accepted the Commission's recommendations for all categories of Public Office-Bears except for the Magistrates. The Magistrates Act, 1993, requires salaries of the Magistrates to be approved by Parliament.

The President has therefore requested Parliament to approve that salaries of Magistrates be adjusted by 5.5 %.

Issued by: The Presidency