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Presidency fobs off Western Cape premier Helen Zille

Cosatu in the Western Cape says it will take some time to notify all striking farm workers of an agreement that suspends strike action for at least a fortnight.

Cosatu organisor, Mike Louw, says they have deployed union officials to all the towns affected by the farm workers strike to report back and spread the word.

Acting agriculture minister, Angie Motshekga, announced on Wednesday that a deal had been reached to suspend the strikes for two weeks pending a review of the basic wage structure for farm workers.

The promise of the review was on condition that workers return to farms on Thursday and end the violent protests.

However, this news has not yet reached all those workers involved in the violent strikes, and according to Louw there were still sporadic pockets of protets.

Meanwhile, the presidency says Western Cape premier Helen Zille must deal directly with line ministers in any attempt to end the violence.

Presidential spokesperson, Mac Maharaj, says Zille has access to all line function national ministries that are working on the matter and as such she should work with her colleagues.

Zille wrote to president Zuma this week asking him to intervene in the De Doorns wage dispute and to send troops to support police who she said were battling to cope with the rampant violence of the past week.