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Police budget used on vehicles for Zuma’s wives

PARLIAMENT, May 24 (ANA) – More than R8.6 million of the South African Police Service budget has been spent on luxury vehicles for the wives of President Jacob Zuma over the past four financial years, a parliamentary reply by Police Minister Nathi Nhleko revealed on Tuesday.

The vehicles purchased included four Range Rover standard utility vehicles (SUVs), purchased in 2013, at a cost of R946, 612 each and two Land Rover Discovery SUVs, purchased in 2014 for R638, 831 each.

According to Nhleko’s written reply, five vehicles were purchased this year – two Audi Q7 SUVs at a cost of R857,047 each and three Audi A 6 sedans with a price tag of R634,992 each.

– African News Agency (ANA)