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Parliamentary committee concerned by bus strike

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Transport, says she's concerned about the bus strike, just days before the Easter weekend.

"The national bus strike is set to inconvenience the country in proportions not witnessed before. A lot of people around this time are commuting by road to be with families. The stakes are high and all assistance, particularly from law enforcement agencies, is required so that the safety of road users is not compromised," Magadzi said in a statement on Wednesday.

"The taxi industry, long- and short-distance, will be under a lot of pressure. Hence drivers should exercise caution and at all times stick to the rules of no overloading and no speeding," she said.

She called on law enforcement to be strict when policing permits and licences, as the bus strike could potentially be exploited by unscrupulous operators who will find it convenient to transport long-distance travellers in un-roadworthy and uncertified vehicles.

The national bus strike started on Wednesday, the 12 April, and will last indefinitely, following disagreements between the bus driver unions and bus companies, under the umbrella of National Employers' Association.

Magadzi wished all people travelling on the roads a safe Easter weekend and said she hoped participants at the bargaining council will explore all possible avenues to limit the impact of the strike.

"Road fatalities in our country are unbelievably high and that should not continue," she said.