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Parliament's Sport portfolio committee upsets the DA over Fifa scandal

The DA is smarting after losing its bid in parliament to get the Sport portfolio committee to summon Danny Jordaan and Molefi Oliphant to account on the 2010 World Cup bribery allegations.
DA MP, Sollly Malatsi, says the Committee instead resolved to call Sports Minister, Fikile Mbalula, to provide answers on what he says is the biggest corruption scandal to rock the football world.  
Malatsi says so far, the main individuals implicated in the corruption scandal are former SAFA President, Molefi Oliphant, and current SAFA President Danny Jordaan.

But, ANC MPs said they would not support this move, insisting that minister Mbalula, who was not part of the 2010 bid committee, should be the one to account to Parliament.

ANC MP Strike Ralegoma said since “the South African government was under attack”, Mbalula was the one that needed to answer MPs questions.