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Paddle-out memorial for shark victim

A memorial service was underway at Camps Bay beach on Saturday for a body boarder who was killed by a great white shark.

A group of surfers were undertaking a paddle-out in memory of 20-year-old David Lilienfeld, said eyewitness to the attack, Matt Marais.

Lilienfeld died on Thursday in Kogel Bay.

He was in the water with his younger brother when a shark, estimated at between four and five metres, attacked him.

“What was supposed to be a fun day at the beach turned out to be any surfer's worst nightmare and it happened in minutes, in front of my eyes,” Marais said at the time.

Lilienfeld had been lying on his body board waiting for a wave to surf when a dorsal fin appeared.

After the attack the Department of Environmental Affairs cancelled a research permit for the filming of sharks.

Documentary maker Chris Fischer had been luring the predators by throwing bait into the water.

-- Sapa

Picture: Shark victim's father and brother walk to their car after identifying David Lilienfeld's body at Koel Bay. Photo by Michael Walker