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Opposition parties table motion of no confidence in President Zuma

Opposition parties tabled a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma in parliament today.

The motion, signed by the leaders of all opposition parties, said that under Zuma's leadership the justice system has been politicised and weakened.

It goes on to say that under Zuma's watch corruption has spiraled out of control, unemployment is on the rise and the economy is weakening.

The motion also says that quality education has been violated.

The opposition parties said it was therefore appropriate that the future of the President be discussed and debated in Parliament in an open and transparent manner by the MPs who elected him.

The full statement from the opposition parties follows below:

The South African people are bearing witness to the emergence of a government and a country different to that envisaged by President Nelson Mandela and those who fought to liberate South Africa from oppression and ushered in a new democratic order in 1994.

The Marikana tragedy; the appalling ‘Nkandlagate’ scandal; the failure by the government to deliver textbooks and workbooks to school children in Limpopo and the Eastern Cape; the downgrading of South Africa’s credit rating by two major ratings agencies; the mounting disrespect for our Constitution and judiciary; the growing number of our citizens who must face the indignity of unemployment; and the uncontrollable and rising tide of corruption in the public service – all of these collectively point to the reality that ours is a country which lacks decisive leadership and vision.

In response to this mounting crisis of leadership, the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Lindiwe Mazibuko, mandated by the ACDP, AZAPO, COPE, DA, FF+, IFP, UCDP and UDM, will this afternoon table a motion of no-confidence in Jacob Zuma as President of the Republic of South Africa.

President Zuma no longer has the confidence of our political parties to serve as president on the grounds that under his leadership:
• The justice system has been weakened and politicised;
• corruption in the public service has spiralled out of control;
• unemployment levels continue to increase;
• the economy is weakening; and
• the right of access to quality education has been violated.
Section 102(2) of the Constitution states: ‘…if the National Assembly, by a vote supported by a majority of its members, passes a motion of no confidence in the President, the President and the other members of Cabinet and any Deputy Ministers must resign.’

Following the 2009 election, the National Assembly elected President Zuma into office, and it is through Parliament that the president is held accountable to the South African people for the execution of his responsibilities. The National Assembly has the power and the duty to force the President’s resignation if he fails to maintain the confidence of the citizens of our country.

It is therefore appropriate that the future of the President be discussed and debated in Parliament in an open and transparent manner by the MPs who elected him.

Parliament must demonstrate to the people of our country that it cares about who leads us, and that it is not willing to sit back and let one man destroy the freedom and prosperity that was fought for and promised them.