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NUM shocked at AngloGold Ashati 8,500 job cut plans

RUSTENBURG, June 28 (ANA) -The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is angry and shocked that Anglogold Ashanti plans to retrench over 8000 workers, the union said on Wednesday.

“The NUM can confirm that it received Section 189 notice from Anglogold Ashanti to retrench 8,500 workers. The NUM is extremely angry and shocked that Anglogold Ashanti is likely to retrench such a huge number of workers at the time when there is a high rate of unemployment in the country,” said spokesperson Livhuwani Mammburu.

“We, therefore, call on Anglogold Ashanti to rethink its position to retrench. They must create opportunities for job creation rather maximising profits at the expense of the poor mineworkers who earn poverty wages.”

The union vowed to make sure that its members were not retrenched cheaply.

“The NUM remain fearless, committed, dedicated and unshaken in fighting for the mineworkers. The NUM does not want to see mineworkers being retrenched,” he said.

NUM president Thamsanqa Matosa said at the union’s central committee (CC) meeting report back rally in Rustenburg three weeks ago, that the NUM wanted retrenchments to be expensive, instead of paying a week salary for committed years of service, the union wanted companies to pay a month salary for each year of service.

AngloGold Ashanti said on Wednesday, it has started consultation process with employees, to retrench 8500 workers at its South African operations.

“It is critical that we act to protect the long-term sustainability of this business and the majority of our workforce. We are mindful of the sensitivity that this situation demands, and are committed to supporting all our employees throughout this process,” said CEO Srinivasan Venkatakrishnan.

AngloGold Ashanti’s South African operations, employs about 28,000 people, including contractors.

The company wants to place on care and maintenance the Kopanang mine, in the Vaal River region, and the Savuka section of the TauTona mine, in the West Wits Region. Savuka has been in operation for 59 years, and has already been extended 10 years beyond its natural life. Kopanang Mine produced its first gold in 1981, 36 years ago.

Evaluate the feasibility of integrating elements of the 60-year old TauTona mine into the neighbouring Mponeng mine.

As a consequence of these changes, we are also reviewing the associated costs at the regional level, particularly with respect to support services and overheads,” the company said.

– African News Agency (ANA)