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NSPCA lament's "donkey killing site" in Northern Cape

The NSPCA said its Farm Animal Protection Unit has uncovered another horror donkey killing site in the Northern Cape.

In a statement Monday, the NSPCA said hundreds of donkeys were illegally and brutally slaughtered on a farm in Olifantshoek.

The organisation said that two people, Heinrich Smit and Dawid Pappie, were arrested on 18 January, in terms of the Animals Protection Act and the Meat Safety Act.

The NSPCA said this followed “confirmation of a horror operation on their farm and witness reports of donkeys being bludgeoned with hammers and being skinned alive.”

“Despite the NSPCA opposing bail, both men were released on 18 January and will appear in the Khatu Magistrates Court on 18 February 2017,” the NSPCA said.

Inspector Mpho Mokoena of the NSPCA’s Farm Animal Protection Unit said that an investigation had begun after reports had been received of missing donkeys in the area.

He said the trail led to the Smit property and the horrendous findings.

“Our concern is for these gentle creatures that are killed in a barbaric and inhumane manner,” explained Inspector Mokoena.

“The NSPCA will continue to work tirelessly to trace and bring to justice any operations which abuse and cruelly treat animals.”

“We are of the opinion that the Government is doing very little to end this illegal practice. Many people’s very existence depends on the donkey that they own,” the NSPCA said.

The organisation said that “demand for donkey skins supposedly for medicinal purposes continues.”