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Nehawu welcomes probe into high data costs

The National Education Health & Allied Workers’ Union said it hopes that the government probe into high data costs will reveal those responsible overcharging for data.

Nehawu was commenting after it was announced that Economic Development Minister, Ebrahim Patel, will establish an inquiry and announce its terms of reference by 1 September.

“We also hope that the commission will leave no stone unturned in harshly prosecuting those who are responsible,” Nehawu said.

“South African data costs are amongst the highest in the world and this does not bode well for the working class and the poor. The exorbitant fees needed to communicate disadvantages almost the entire population more especially workers and the youth,” said union spokesperson Zola Saphetha said.

“Learners in high school and university students struggle to access the internet for school work because of the current prices of data,” he said.

Saphetha said in an age where everything is almost digital, job seekers were hugely affected when they have to apply for positions. “This also does not bode well for the growth of our economy and directly adds into the number of people who are unemployed,” he said.

“If our country is serious about growing the economy then issues of data costs and the cost to communicate must be looked into, as a matter of urgency”.

“We urge our government to ensure that a research is conducted into how data costs can be reduced and put measures in place to safeguard our rights as citizen to communicate with each other and at reasonable prices,” Saphetha said.