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Nehawu ends strike at Agricultural Research Council

The National Education Health and Allied Workers’ Union (Nehawu) has ended its strike at the Agricultural Research Council [ARC], the union announced on Friday.

Union spokesperson Khaya Xaba said the strike ended on Wednesday after both parties signed a wage settlement agreement.

“Both parties agreed to an adjustment of wages of all employees by six percent, with effect from the 1st April 2017. The duration of the agreement is a single term from the 1st April until the 31st March 2018. Part of the agreement is that the ARC will pay the increase together with the back pay, on and before the 15th August 2017,” he said.

“The agreement is extended to all ARC employees in the bargaining unit who were on its payroll as of 1st April 2017, provided that they have been in the employ of ARC before the 30th September 2016.”

He said on the competency framework for employees in support services, the parties agreed to refer the matter to the ARC National Bargaining Forum [NBF], where a standard would be developed that would lead to a career pathing of employees in the support services of ARC.

“The matter will be tabled for negotiations at the NBF by no later than the 30th September 2017 and concluded by the 31st March 2018. On investigation of financial mismanagement at ARC, the parties agreed the matter must be referred to the NBF where all information will be collated and agreement reached on the nature and scope of investigation required.”

Nehawu members downed tools at ARC on July 12 after wage talks deadlocked.

– African News Agency (ANA)