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Mine worker gunned down in Marikana

A member of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) was gunned down in Marikana near Rustenburg in North West on Friday, the union said.

Spokesman Livhuwani Mammburu said Lungisa Madiba was shot dead near Rowland shaft while he was on his way to work.

North West police confirmed the shooting. Spokesperson Captain Sam Tselanyane said cartridges were found near the body.

It was suspected he was shot dead in a  turf war to control Marikana between NUM and the Association of Mineworkers and Construction (Amcu).

The NUM host a national rally in Marikana on November 17.

"This is an act of intimidation, the NUM rally will continue as planned. We hope the police will arrest the assassin," Mammburu said.

Madiba was one of 12 people arrested in connection with an alleged plot to eliminated Amcu leaders in Marikana but, the High Court in Pretoria discharged him and others due to lack of evidence.

The NUM lost members to Amcu in the Rustenburg platinum mines following a violent wildcat strike at Lonmin operations in Marikana in August 2012.

- African News Agency (ANA)