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Matric final exams: 37 days to go

The matric class of 2015 is entering one of the most challenging and arguably most important times of their lives - the build up to their final examinations.

With only 37 days remaining until the start of the 2015 National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams, the Department of Basic Education says it’s all systems go.

“All processes are on track to ensure the smooth administration of the NSC. Examination papers have been set and have been sent to provinces. Provinces have appointed markers and all processes are going ahead as planned,” Minister Angie Motshekga said on Friday.

This year, 801 688 matriculants are registered for the examinations.

Of these, 674 232 of those are full time candidates and 127 456 are part time candidates.

“We are happy to also see an increase in the number of people who registered to write their exams this year. The increase in the number of part time candidates is also very encouraging.”

Minister Motshekga said her department has printed over 10 million question papers that are ready to be distributed to almost 7000 examination centres.

“We will have 65 000 invigilators and 35 000 markers in 118 marking centres around the country.”

The provinces have also indicated plans are well underway and going well in order to effectively administer the examinations.

The National Senior Certificate exam will start on 26 October and finish on 27 November.   

 Results will be available at schools on January 6, 2016.