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List of Reeva's injuries....

 Pathologist Gert Saayman, who performed an autopsy on the athlete's girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, gave the court a full account
of the extent of her injuries.

Saayman explained the wounds Steenkamp suffered in detail as Pistorius broke down and retched in the dock.
Expanding bullets used during the shooting were designed to cause maximum tissue damage, Saayman said.

The court heard that Steenkamp had a few bruises on her body
which were not as a result of the shooting.

There were also bruises on the upper part of the right thigh that were not linked to the shooting and behind the left knee and the left shin, on her buttocks, nipple and back.

A post mortem report revealed that not much liquid was found in Reeva Steenkamp's bladder after she was shot dead

Saayman said about 200ml of partially digested food, mainly vegetables with whitish cheese-like particles were found in
Steenkamp's stomach.

Steenkamp had eaten about two hours prior to her death.

Her heart, however, just like her liver, was pale in colour as a
result of blood loss, said Saayman.

Earlier, he told the court of head, hip and hand injuries Steenkamp suffered.

Saayman told the court that Steenkamp did not take more than a few breaths after suffering her head wound.
Saayman described the wound to her head as an incapacitating.

Her upper eyelids were blue-reddish and there was soft tissue swelling but no injury to the eyes.

This was not caused by direct trauma but a fracture to the skull.

As Saayman explained that it could have been blood leaking from the skull.

He described the wound to Steenkamp's arm as devastating. Her right arm was shattered, leaving it with no functionality.

He said Steenkamp would have collapsed and, unless she had something to grip onto, it would have been difficult to get back up.

However, both the injuries to her arm and her right groin or hip area could have been fatal as well, he said.

Her right hip bone was shattered and this was likely to cause immediate instability, he explained.