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Lifeguards discover body of elderly man on beach in Durban

KwaZulu-Natal police said on Monday they were investigating a possible drowning after a body of an elderly man was recovered on the beach in Durban on Monday morning.

Police said the body was pointed out to them by lifeguards on the Durban beachfront.

“The Durban Search and Rescue Unit were busy with the shoreline search for the New Beach missing swimmer at first light today when they were informed by lifeguards that the body of an unknown man, approximately 60-years-old, was found at the Virgin Mangrove dune in front of Addington Hospital,” police said.

“The body was recovered from the mangrove bushes behind the fence.”

Last week, a man believed to be in his thirties drowned at a rock pool at Amanzimtoti beach in Durban after he was swept away by waves when he sat on the rocks.

Meanwhile, the search for a missing four-year-old boy, who disappeared on Saturday afternoon while swimming in the surf zone at Pearl Bay in Yzerfontein in Western Cape, continued on Sunday.

– African News Agency (ANA)