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Legal action looms over e-tolling

A lobby group opposed to tolling of Gauteng freeways has lodged an application for an interdict to stop the process going forward.

The Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance, comprises several motoring industry associations including the Retail Motor Industry and the SA Vehicle and Leasing Association.

Alliance spokesperson, Wayne Duvenage, says if tolling of major roads in Gauteng went ahead, other provinces could expect the SA National Roads Agency Limited to finance their roads in the same way.

Jeff Osbourne of the Retail Motor Industry outlines the objectives of their court action.

"Essentially, senior counsel served papers on Sanral and the government. Two objectives, one is to obtain an interdict to stop the process of implementing the e-tolling system," he said.

"But, longer term hoping that the idea will be set aside and a far more sensible collection mechanism will be implemented such as through the fuel levy," he added.