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KZN man critical after being set alight by muggers

PIETERMARITZBURG, September  (ANA) - A man, believed to be 25 years old, was critically injured when he was allegedly doused with petrol and set alight by muggers in Ashburton, Pietermaritzburg on Sunday afternoon, paramedics said.

ER24 paramedics were called to the scene after a passing motorist drove past the man and immediately called the local authorities, ER24 spokesman Russel Meiring said.

"Upon arrival, paramedics found that the man had sustained serious burns over most of his body, leaving him in a critical condition. The man was treated for his injuries and provided with advanced life support interventions before he was transported to a nearby hospital.

"The patient later told paramedics that he was mugged, doused in petrol, and set alight. Fortunately, the man was apparently able to extinguish himself. Local authorities were on the scene for further investigations," Meiring said.

- African News Agency (ANA)