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Judge Thokozile Masipa amends media publishing order

An earlier order preventing the media from reporting on murder-accused Oscar Pistorius's psychology report has been amended by Judge Thokozile Masipa.

Three psychiatrists and a clinical psychologist observed Pistorius for 30 days at Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital following a court order.

Pistorius was a day patient.

When the case resumed this morning, judge Masipa issued the following order.

"The contents of exhibit PPP and QQQ may be published in accordance with the agreement between the defence attorney's and media legal representatives. This order is is retrospective from Friday the 4th of July 2014, that means it takes affect from that date."

There had been no mention in court on Monday morning, of the video aired in Australia of Pistorius on his stumps re-enacting the scene of the killing of Reeva Steenkamp.
Defence attorney, Brian Webber, says the video was intended for trial purposes and its broadcast had breached the non-disclosure agreement with 'The Evidence Room', a US company which specialises in forensic animation.