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“Inxeba” filmmakers lodge complaint with SAHRC

The film ‘Inxeba’ (The Wound) was “the best performing film” at the seven movie sites where it played on Friday.

That’s according to Helen Kuun, the managing director of Indigenous FilmDistribution, the company releasing the film in South Africa.

Kuun was reacting to a statement by the executive director of Man and Boy Foundation, Nkululeko Nxesi, who told ANN7 that “99%” of the South African population are against the movie, which has already won 19 awards at 44 festivals in 25 countries, including South Africa.

Kuun said that Nxesi’s statement was “blatantly untrue” 

“Ahead of its opening weekend, pre-screenings were held around the country, and 85% of people who attended gave it the thumbs up. It was also the number one film at seven of the venues where it screened on Friday,” she said.

Since July 2017, the film has been screened at venues around the country to encourage discussion and dialogue between the filmmakers and various audiences.

One of the film’s producer, Cait Pansegrouw said that they had taken the film into “several spaces across the country, particularly those that do not have access to cinemas in their communities and made absolutely sure to do this in the Eastern Cape above all.”

“There was no focus on specific sectors of the population, as stated by theMan and Boy Foundation representative on ANN7 yesterday. All screenings were open to anyone who RSVP’d to attend,” she said.

“Inxeba also showed at South African film festivals last year, 2 in Kwa-ZuluNatal and 1 in the Western Cape. Again, these screenings were open to members of the public. To imply that we purposely excluded certain people or organisations from seeing the film is just not true.”

Meanwhile, the filmmakers have lodged a complaint with the Human RightsCommission following threats made cinema staff during protests.

Protests were held in East London and Port Elizabeth on Friday where the screening of the movie was cancelled.

“Nobody is forced to see ‘Inxeba’. But South Africans have every right to watch and engage with it,” said another producer Elias Ribeiro.

The Film and Publications Board (FPB) has rated the movie 16, advising that it contains scenes with strong Language, Sex, and Nudity (16 LSN). 

The FBB has advised that despite complaints that have been received based on perceived cultural insensitivity, restricting the launch of the film would be a direct contravention a section of the Constitution as well as the provisions of the Films and Publication Act.