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Government employee who called on whites to be slaughtered like Jews, found guilty of hate speech

Velaphi Khumalo, who posted racial slurs against white people in a Facebook tirade two years ago, has been found guilty of hate speech by the Equality Court in the South Gauteng High Court on Friday.

The Provincial Manager of the SA Human rights commission Buang Jones said the Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts and Culture official was also directed by the court to apologise to all South Africans.

Velaphi Khumalo's has been interdicted from repeating utterances and ordered to publish a written apology directed at all South Africans. The apology shall be communicated to SAHR Commission for further dissemination  Copy of the dossier of papers filed to be submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Khumalo stood trial for his utterances calling on ''cleansing the country of white people''.

He posted these on Facebook in the wake of Penny Sparrow comparing black beachgoers to monkeys in the same year.

His tirade drew widespread condemnation. He reportedly apologised to the ANC and paid a R30,000 fine.

Khumalo's case was brought to court by the SAHRC after it received 19 complaints. His legal representative argued that his client was responding to Sparrow's racist remarks against black people. The commission asked the court to impose a fine on Khumalo and that he makes an open unconditional apology.

- African News Agency (ANA)