Gov sets up command centre to address violence against women and children
01 Feb 2016 | Admin Author
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Social Development Minister, Bathabile Dlamini, says her Department's established a national gender-based violence command centre as part of its response to violence against women and children.
Tabling her Department's budget policy statement in parliament today, Minister Dlamini said the command centre will be set up in collaboration with the Departments of Health, the SA Police Service and NGO's.
"Seventy-five qualified social workers have been employed to serve on this 24 hour command centre dedicated to provide psycho-social support and referral services," Minister Dlamini said.
Turning to the fight against substance abuse, Minister Dlamini said she made a commitment last year to fighting this scourge.
"Over the MTEF we have R150m for the establishment of treatment centres in the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, North West and Free State," she said.
Minister Dlamini also said that the child and vulnerable youth-headed households will remain their central focus during this MTEF period.
She said her department's social assistance programme has grown substantially.
"In 1994 there were 2.9 million beneficiaries. Today over 16 million grants are paid monthly. This represents more than five times the number of recipients (than) in 1994 thus contributing to South Africa's progressive realisation of the right to social security as ensrhined in article 27 of the Constitution," Dlamini said.