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Girl dies in bus crash near Nanaga

A young girl died and dozens of school children were injured, when a bus overturned near Nanaga on Thursday night.

The children were being transported from the Alfred Nzo area to Port Elizabeth when the accident happened.

Provincial traffic department spokesperson Tsepo Machaea says no other vehicles were involved and the cause of the accident is not yet known.

He said 74 people were injured of which four were reported to be quite serious. They were transferred to hospital in Port Elizabeth for further treatment.

In another accident during the night, seven people died when a minibus taxi and another vehicle collided head-on on the N12 at Warrenton north of Kimberley.

Netcare 911 says the accident happened at around 2AM, and both vehicles burst into flames on impact.

There were five people in the minibus and two were in the car.