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Gerrie Nel wants NPA to prosecute acting judge for sexual assault

AfriForum's Private Prosecution Unit has called on the National Prosecuting Authority to reconsider its decision not to prosecute an acting judge for alleged sexual assault.

Advocate Gerrie Nel, who heads up the Unit, says he made the appeal in writing to the Director of Public Prosecutions in Gauteng on Wednesday.

"The unit is representing a female advocate who was allegedly sexually assaulted by the acting judge," said Nel.

"The unit also indicated in their letter that they would privately prosecute him should the NPA fail to reconsider their decision."

Nel said the victim also approached the Bar Council, the Johannesburg Society of Advocates and the Legal Practice Council, but received little to no support from these professional bodies.

"The Private Prosecution Unit has studied the docket and according to us there is enough evidence to prosecute. The NPA is once again failing a victim of gender-based violence by refusing to prosecute," said Nel.

He added that the NPA had not even consulted the victim. "We are therefore forced to once again through this letter challenge the NPA to make good on their promises that cases of gender-based violence will be prioritised and to prove that they are not merely paying lip service."

According to Advocate Nel, the complainant in the matter is very brave and has decided to stand firm against this type of criminal conduct against women.