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Further regulations on transporting children to come into play in May - Dept of Transport

The Department of Transport will be introducing further regulations on the transport of children on 1 May.

Last year the Department introduced regulations requiring that children under the age of three must be secured in a car seat when travelling in a car.

Motorists, who have children under the age of three unrestrained in their vehicle, will be fined.

National Transport spokesperson Ismael Mnisi said the the additional regulations includes restricting the number of passengers transported on the back bakkies used to transport school children.

"Learners are not allowed to ride at the back of a bakkie.  This law has already been promulgated and will come into effect in May," said Mnisi.

Mnisi said transport regulations also came into effect on 1 December 2016 pertaining to heavy goods vehicles and the speed they are allowed to drive.

"What is already in force at the moment are the regulations regarding speed governance where new trucks which are manufactured now will have speed goveners that will limit them," Mnisi said.