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From Koekenaap to Scrabble champ #GoodNewsDay

A 35-year-old Mathematician from Johannesburg will be one of only two people who will represent South Africa at the World Scrabble Championships later this year.

Harry Wiggins, who spends 5-7 hours a week playing scrabble, is the current South African Champion.

He says he will face tough competition when he takes part in the World Championships in India in October.

Wiggins says in South Africa, however, there are many more words to use than in the English language, due to Afrikaans that is so much a part of our unique language.

As a child, he lived in the tiny town of Koekenaap and used to play Scrabble with his mother and aunt.

"In those days we played Afrikaans Scrabble. It was fun using words and numbers to beat my mum and aunt".

Wiggins and another player will be representing South Africa at the World English-Speaking Scrabble Players' Association Championships (WESPAC) in Goa, India, on 16-20 October 2019.