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#FeesMustFall resumes at Wits and University of Johannesburg

JOHANNESBURG, January 11 (ANA)-The #feesMustFall campaign, which last year rocked institutions of higher learning as students protested against hikes in fees, resumes Monday at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) and the University of Johannesburg (UJ).

The Wits Student Representative Council (SRC) said students were expected to congregate at Solomon House on the campus to resume the protests because students still face the same problems around affordability of studying at the institution.

At the weekend UJ student representatives also announced they would resume the protests on Monday, the day registration for first year students begins.

Meanwhile students at three other universities, including Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), are writing their final exams for 2015 from Monday, which were postponed owing to the protests last year.

TUT said security was in place for students writing exams.



– African News Agency (ANA)