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KayCee Rossouw

Fallout from DA/Cosatu clashes

The fall out between trade union federation Cosatu and the Democratic Alliance is continuing following Tuesday's protest march, which turned violent in the Johannesburg CBD.

Cosatu president S'dumo Dlamini, has told delegates to an international policy conference, that union members were provoked.

He said Cosatu members hadcame under attack from DA members who he said loaded stones onto a truck.

Meanwhile, DA parliamentary leader Lindiwe Mazibuko, says president Jacob Zuma has admitted that Cosatu has been the stumbling block to the implementation of a Youth Wage subsidy.

The DA marched to Cosatu House on Tuesday to present a memorandum to the trade union federation over its opposition to the subsidy, which has been debated extensively at the National Economic Development and Labour Council.

Mazibuko said president Zuma said in a reply to a parliamentary question that government is still seeking trade union buy-in for the Youth Wage Subsidy, that the DA believes will create more than 420,000 new jobs.

She says president Zuma needs to be reminded that Cabinet is not bound to wait for the Nedlac process to be concluded before implementing the subsidy.