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"Exhausted" Zuma cancels another engagement

 President Jacob Zuma will no longer deliver the main address at the national youth day commemoration in Kimberley on June 16.

"He must maximise the time he has to rest," his spokesman Mac Maharaj said on Tuesday.

"He's working from home and [his] diary is being adjusted day-by-day."

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa would stand in for Zuma at the youth day event on Monday.

Zuma was discharged from a Pretoria hospital on Sunday after spending a night there.

African National Congress secretary general Gwede Mantashe said Zuma, 72, went for a routine health check.

Maharaj on Tuesday said Zuma was still resting and no time limit had been set on how long he would be on a break.

Zuma was not attending a three-day Cabinet lekgotla in Pretoria he was initially scheduled to lead from Tuesday. The event was
being chaired by Ramaphosa.
