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EFF members ready to ask ancestors' blessing

 The first group of Economic Freedom Fighters members arrived at Marikana where 8 cows will be slaughtered today to mark the entry of the party in the political landscape.

The group were dressed in red shirts and red berets and sang songs mocking President Jacob Zuma while arriving in branded vehicles.

EFF spokesman Mbuyiseni Ndlozi said in a statement that slaughtering an animal was in line with African tradition, where an animal is sacrificed to spill blood on the soil to ask the
ancestors to bless a major event and plead to God for his presence.

The slaughtering of cattle would be done at the hill where 34 mineworkers were shot dead by police during a wage related strike at Lonmin mines in Marikana last year.

He says they will not rest until economic emancipation, a living wage and better working conditions have been achieved.

Malema, once an outspoken supporter of President Jacob Zuma and president of the African National Congress Youth League, formed the party after being expelled from the ANC.

The EFF received its registration certificate from the Independent Electoral Commission on Monday.

According to its constitution, the EFF is a radical, left-wing, anti-capitalist, and anti-imperialist movement.