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Education expert says matrics involved in cheating scandals should be prosecuted

An education expert says making an example and prosecuting those who leak matric papers, as well as those involved in cheating during exams, is the only way to prevent this from being repeated in future. 

That's according to education analyst Graeme Bloch who is based at the Wits School of Governance.  On Wednesday,Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga confirmed that Monday's Life Skills paper was leaked in Limpopo an hour before the exam was set to start. 

Block feels such incidents are linked directly to financial gain.

"The root cause is money, obviously we must oppose leaks and I think the kids will buy the papers.It mainly a Provincial issue,the MEC's should be hands on during exam time.It is got to be done in the schools and I think the issue is how do you curb it in the schools" he said.

More than 2000 learners in Kwa-Zulu Natal and 778 in the Eastern Cape were implicated in cheating scandals during the 2014 matric exams.