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'Dros Rapist' fit to stand trial

The man accused of raping a 7-year-old child at the Dros Restaurant in Pretoria last year is fit to stand trial.

The 20-year-old Nicholas Ninow was evaluated at the Weskoppies psychiatric hospital.

The results of the evaluation were presented to the Pretoria Magistrates court on Friday.

The case was postponed until the 5th of March and Ninow will remain in custody.

His lawyer told the court in November that he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2013 and has tried to commit suicide several times due to his depression.

The defence, led by Legal Aid attorney Riaan du Plessis requested that three clinical psychologists be appointed to assess Ninow, instead of the usual two, indicating that his client was in rehab before as he started abusing substances at the age of fourteen.

-African News Agency