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Driver slams into KwaZulu-Natal roadblock

A Durban metro policeman was injured when a car driver smashed into a roadblock set up on Umgeni Road near the Connaught Bridge on Friday night, paramedics said.

Rescue Care paramedics arrived on the scene soon after 10 pm to find two badly damaged vehicles on either side of Umgeni Road, Rescue Care spokesman Garrith Jamieson said.

“It is alleged that the vehicle failed to stop at the roadblock being held and ploughed into one of the police vehicles which then collided into a policeman. The policeman was found on the roadside with moderate injuries.”

He was stabilised on the scene by advanced life support paramedics before being taken to a nearby hospital for further care. The force of the crash pushed the police vehicle onto the opposite carriageway of Umgeni Road.
At this stage the events leading up to the crash were unknown, but the South African Police Service (SAPS) would investigate, Jamieson said.
– African News Agency