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Driver and a baby killed in Free State accident

Two people died and at least 10 others were injured in a three-vehicle collision on the N6, 25km from Reddersburg in the direction of Smithfield in the Free State on Saturday morning, paramedics said.

Paramedics from ER24, Free State emergency medical services (EMS), Fire, and Rescue, as well as other services, arrived on the scene just before 5 am where “they found the vehicles scattered across the highway”, ER24 spokesman Werner Vermaak said.

“A baby and the driver of one of the vehicles were found with fatal injuries. There was nothing that paramedics could do for them and they were declared dead on [the] scene. At least 10 other people were found with injuries ranging from minor to moderate. Paramedics treated the injured on [the] scene and later transported them to various hospitals in the area.

The circumstances surrounding the collision were not yet known. Local authorities attended the scene and would investigate. The road was closed for some time while emergency services were attending the scene, Vermaak said.
– African News Agency (ANA),