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The Oscar Pistorius murder trial was adjourned briefly in the Northern Gauteng High Court this morning after the court was informed that the face of witness Michelle Burger was being televised.
A still image of Burger appeared on eNews Channel Africa, with their head of news, Patrick Conroy taking to twitter to say that the image used was from her university website.
Judge Thokozile Masipa gave the media stern warning and said the matter would be investigated.
"I must say this is very disturbing, I am warning the media if you do not behave you are not going to be treated by soft gloves by this court. For this reason I want to give the order as sought by mister Nel to stop any photographs of any sort. It does not matter where it was sourced from regarding any witness, including this witness who has asked the court not to have their photo's published. Secondly I want an investigation into this matter" she said
Burger lives near Pistorius' luxury Pretoria home and testified yesterday that she heard a woman's blood-curdling screams coming from his house, setting the tone for the State's bid to show he murdered Reeva Steenkamp after a domestic row.
She's currently being cross examined by Pistorius' defence counsel, Barry Roux