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Defence team for Oscar Pistorius closes its case

Bary Roux SC for Oscar Pistorius told the high court in Pretoria on Tuesday morning that a number of witnesses refused to testify for the defence in the paralympian's murder trial.

Roux told Judge Thokozile Masipa that the defence was unable to call several witnesses because they refused, and didn't want their voices heard all over the world.

He said there was nothing the defence could do to change their minds, and then informed Judge Masipa that he was closing the defence's case.

Judge Masipa then ordered that the State file its heads of argument on the 30th of July and the defence on the 4th of August.

Argument will then be heard in court on the 7th and 8th of August.

Judge Masipa ordered that the contents of the heads of argument not be published by print or broadcast media until they were heard in court.