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De Lille wins legal battle with DA

Patricia de Lille was reinstated as mayor and a member of the Democratic Alliance by the Cape Town High Court after she won an urgent application against the party on Tuesday.

The high court ruled that De Lille must, however, still face disciplinary charges brought against her by the DA leadership.

It means that De Lille won the first round of a two-part court battle with the party. Part two of her application sees her challenge the lawfulness of the party's decision to terminate her membership, and thereby end her seven-year reign as mayor. It will be heard later this month.

In ruling on her urgent application, Judge Pat Gamble said the court had prioritised the need for stability in the running of Cape Town, which is experiencing both the worst water shortage in living memory and a spate of land invasions. 

The judge said the court wanted to avoid a situation where the mayor's seat sees a game of "musical chairs" if the party appointed a new mayor, and De Lille's legal challenge succeeded. 

After the ruling, the feisty De Lille thanked her supporters and said this is not about her but about the people of Cape Town.

- African News Agency (ANA)