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DA wants Parliament to reconvene for motion of no confidence in Zuma

DA leader, Mmusi Maimane, said Parliament should reconvene for a special sitting to debate and vote on a Motion of No Confidence in Zuma.

The opposition leader said Saturday that “this is not a DA Motion of No Confidence, it is the people’s Motion of No Confidence.”

Maimane said the groundswell of unity among South Africans,  from the clergy to NGOs; from the Opposition to senior members within the ANC, following Jacob Zuma’s hostile takeover of the Treasury, leave Zuma with two options; jump or be pushed.

“Zuma’s self-interested decision to fire capable and trusted Treasury leadership and replace them with servants of corruption has sparked the country into action,” Maimane said.

“Ultimately, it is the National Assembly that has the duty and Constitutional authority to remove the President when he does not act in the interests of the country, the people and the economy. The National Assembly hired Zuma, it’s now time that it fired him,” Maimane added.

He said he’s inviting “all South Africans to join us on Friday, 07 April 2017, as we take this message to the ANC’s doorstep, in order to remind, Cyril Ramaphosa, Jackson Mthembu, Derek Hanekoem and others of their primary duty to the people of South Africa and the Constitution.”

“One man cannot hold 56-million South Africans hostage,” Maimane said.