CAPE TOWN, May 21 (ANA) – The Democratic Alliance will ask Parliament’s chair of chairs Cedric Frolick to include an investigation into the most recent evidence of possible political interference in Eskom, this time by Duduzane Zuma, in the course of the inquiry the DA has requested.
Just over a week ago, the DA requested that Parliament’s public enterprises committee launch a full-scale parliamentary inquiry into Eskom, without delay, DA spokeswoman Natasha Mazzone said on Sunday.
“I will now also seek an update as to when the inquiry will go ahead. Reports in the media today [Sunday] allege that President Jacob Zuma’s son Duduzane Zuma generated a fake ‘intelligence’ report which was then used by President Zuma to force the firing of four Eskom executives in 2015.
“Following the suspension of the Eskom executives, Brian Molefe was appointed CEO and Trillian, a Gupta company, was awarded a R400 million coal supply contract ignoring evidence that coal from Trillian’s Brakfontein’s mine was out of specification,” she said.
Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown, now more than ever, needed to appear on Tuesday before Parliament’s public enterprises portfolio committee and account for the deepening nightmare at Eskom.
“The latest revelation and the recent return of Brian Molefe as Eskom CEO are no coincidence at all. The Gupta-Zuma mafia has shown that they will stop at nothing to ensure that Eskom becomes their personal fiefdom where they can do as they please at the expense of South Africa and its people.
“The DA will use all the available options at our disposal to ensure that good corporate governance fundamentals are restored at Eskom and that the abuse of public money and undue influence is completely [removed] from the boardrooms of our SOEs,” Mazzone said.
– African News Agency (ANA)