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DA conditionally lifts expulsion of MP Dianne Kohler-Barnard

CAPE TOWN, December 22 (ANA) – The expulsion from the Democratic Alliance of MP Dianne Kohler-Barnard was conditionally lifted on Tuesday, the party said.

“She has to resign from all her elected positions in the party, except her seat in the National Assembly,” said Glynnis Breytenbach, chairperson of the DA’s Federal Legal Commission.

She also has to pay a fine of R20,000.00 to a non-governmental organisation that does work in the field of reconciliation and restitution amongst persons disadvantaged by the apartheid government before end February 2016.

Furthemore, Kohler-Barnard has to attend, as a Caucus member, a presentation on the safe and responsible use of social media to be presented to the DA Caucus.

The decision by a five member panel of the party was made after they received a series of submissions in the appeal, which Kohler-Barnard launched after her membership of the party was terminated by the DA federal executive in October.

“The panel considered the submissions made by all the parties. They considered all evidence in mitigation, and all arguments in aggravation and came to the conclusion that the termination be suspended for rest of the sixth Parliament.”

In September, she shared a facebook post in which the author said public services were better under apartheid-era president PW Botha, a post which DA leaders described as “indefensible”.

– African News Agency (ANA)